Police Fleet Manager

MAR-APR 2012

Issue link: http://pfmmag.epubxp.com/i/63904

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Shop Smart Sedan Products Think Universal. SUV Products The introduction of so many new police package vehicles brings with LW PDQ\ YDULDEOHV WR \RXU MRE HVSHFLDOO\ ZKHQ LW FRPHV WR XS¿WWLQJ $W 3UR JDUG ZH XQGHUVWDQG WKDW \RX DUH ORRNLQJ IRU reduced cost, equipment solutions IRU \RXU QHZ ÀHHW Let us alleviate this impending part of the equation for you 2XU 8QLYHUVDO SDUWLWLRQV DQG SXVK EXPSHUV DUH GHVLJQHG WR EH WUDQVIHUDEOH IURP DQ\ FXUUHQW SROLFH SDFNDJH YHKLFOH WR DQRWKHU ZLWK WKH XVH RI D VLPSOH WUDQVIHU NLW :H DUH ZRUNLQJ YHU\ FORVHO\ ZLWK WKH 2(0V WR HQVXUH WKDW RXU HTXLSPHQW LV FRPSDWLEOH ZLWK DOO FXUUHQW LQFOXGLQJ ERWK )RUG ,QWHUFHSWRUV PRGHOV LQ WKH PDUNHW Visit ZZZ SUR JDUG FRP SIP XQLYHUVDOBSURGXFWB LQIR DVS to find out how to switch your fleet to these new universal products or use the handy 45 &RGH; EHORZ WR JR GLUHFWO\ WR WKLV VLWH IURP \RXU VPDUW SKRQH Circle Reader Service #3 or click on EInfo at www.trmagonline.com Let Pro-gard equip your ÀHHW WR PHHW WKH WRXJK everyday demands of the job. See our new 2012 Caprice product line up at www.pro-gard.com

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